How to create a PDP - Targets, Tasks, Scheduled Reviews

Personal Development Plans (PDPs) are the core component of Calibrae's integrated Continued Professional Development (CPD) tools. Individuals, managers and mentors use PDPs to define areas of individual developmental focus, then track and record progress towards achievement. In this help guide we'll look at the steps to create a PDP and organise a schedule for periodic review. 

1. Create a PDP

PDPs can be created by employees and/or line managers.

Individuals can create their own PDPs: home page > personal menu > My Development > + Create PDP.


Line managers can also create PDPs on behalf of their team members: home page > Groups you manage > select team > select individual > Development > + Create PDP


Clicking +Create PDP displays the New PDP screen. Choose a title and set the start and end date for the PDP.


PDPs also have the option of an additional mentor - perhaps a colleague or someone from the organisation who will have access to the PDP and who can help set plans and review progress. Mentors must already be known users in the system.

An empty PDP is displayed.


2. Discuss, agree and record general thoughts about PDP priorities

The Discuss PDP tab provides a space for individuals, managers and/or mentors to record notes - perhaps to agree priorities before setting targets and defining tasks. Notes serve well to record what was agreed when.


Notes and thoughts can be added to the PDP at any time during the PDP cycle.

3. Schedule formal reviews

Formal review meetings are automatically scheduled at the start and end of the PDP period. PDPs have most impact when formally reviewed at regular intervals. 

To schedule additional formal review meetings: + Add review > set review date > + Create Review


Additional formal review session tabs are added to the list of reviews.

Check out the article on How to conduct a PDP review and assess progress.

With a PDP plan created and its general direction discussed, agreed and documented, and periodic review sessions scheduled, the next task is to define targets and tasks.

4. Define Targets

Targets define what is to be accomplished. Each target then includes one or more tasks that define how the target will be accomplished. Targets can be stand-alone, linked to a company target, and/or linked to a competency.

Stand-alone targets

Targets can define what is to be accomplished without linking to company targets or company competencies:  Add Target > set target details > Save Target


Targets linked to company targets

Targets can also be linked to company targets: Add Target > set target details > Link to company target > select company target > Save Target


The system automatically displays company targets that have been set by management.

Linking a target to a company target enables management to monitor how the workforce is planning to acheive company goals, and view progress over time.

Targets linked to company competencies

Targets can also be linked to competencies defined in the company's competency frameworks: Add Target > set target details > Link to competency > select competency > Save Target


The system knows the competencies at which the individual is currently working at, so displays a custom list of competencies that reflect the individual's current compentency levels. In this example, Molly is working towards Level 1 in Communication.

Linking to a company competency enables management to monitor how the workforce is planning to develop their skills and abilities in order to address company skills gaps, and then view progress over time.

Click Save Target to add the target to the PDP.

Multiple targets can be added to a PDP. Note how targets also have a space to record notes or comments over time.


5. Define Tasks

Tasks are added to Targets to define how the target will be accomplished - what the individual will actually do to acheive the goal.

Tasks can be stand-alone...


... and they can be linked to a behaviour in a selected competency.


Having related a task to a competency behaviour, once acccomplished, the system will give the option to award the individual the compentency.

Once saved, the task is associated with the target. 


Note how tasks also have space for recording notes and comments over time.

It may also be useful to plan multiple tasks for each target.


Great. That's how to create a PDP. 

It is now ready for being actioned and reviewed at the next scheduled review meeting.


  • A PDP is an individual's plan on what they are going to do develop themselves, play their part in achieving company goals, and increasing their skills inline with company competency needs
  • A PDP can be managed completely by the individual, or can be co-managed with input from a line manager and/or mentor
  • PDP's are made of targets - what needs to be achived. PDPs can have multiple targets
  • Targets are made of tasks - how the user will achieve the target - what they will actually do
  • Users navigate around the PDP tasks by
  • first selecting the target. The target's tasks are listed below the target. Then by
  • selecting the task below the target to view the task detail.

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