How to message or video chat with a teacher

The Calibrae virtual learning environment provides a messaging service through which pupils and teachers can communicate with text messaging and video chat.

Pupils can message teachers in two ways:

  • Messaging from an activity
  • Messaging from the pupil's messaging page

Message conversations can also be upgraded to a video chat

  • Upgrading a message conversation to a live video chat

How to message a teacher from an activity

To message a teacher from any learning activity...

1. Scroll down to the Message Instructor tab

2. Write the message

3. Click Post


The message will be sent to the teacher.

When the teacher responds, the message will also be displayed in the message area under the activity.

teacher messages back in activity.png

Feel free to use the Reply pane to continue the discussion.

This messaging conversation, along with all other conversations with the teacher from all activities is also accessible from the pupil's messages page. Click the Message icon to access the messages page, then click the teacher to see the conversation.


Message conversations can be continued (or started) at any time from the messages page. Either reply to the existing conversation thread, or start a new one.

How to message a teacher from the pupil's messaging page

To start a new message conversation with a teacher (a conversation not related to an activity)...

1. From any page, click the Message icon in the top menu to access the messages page.

2. Click to select the teacher who you would like to message.

3. Write a message and click Post.


When the teacher responds, the message will be displayed in the messages page.


All feedback and comments left by teachers as they mark pupil's work will also be displayed here in the pupil's messaging page.

Upgrading a message conversation to a live video chat

A message conversation can be dynamically upgraded to a live video chat at any time. To meet the teacher in the video chat room...

1. From the messages page, open the conversation with the teacher

2. Click Join Video Chat


At the prompt, click Join webinar, and if prompted, allow permission for the system to access your microphone and camera. That done, you'll enter the webinar room from where you can hold a video chat.


Note that initiating a video chat does not call the teacher. Typically, the teacher and pupil first message chat and either agree to meet right away in the meeting room, or perhaps arrange a time for a later meeting.

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