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Instructor-led training
Instructor-led Classes. What are they and how are they used?
In this article we'll introduce instructor-led classes and explain how they are used.
How to create and schedule instructor-led classes
Calibrae enables delivery of instructor-led live class deliveries of courses. Learn how to create and schedule live instructor-led class deliveries
Managing instructor-led classes
Learn how to manage instructor-led classes on Calibrae, including assigning instructors, adding and removing learners, printing class sign-in sheets, and more
Instructor Tools
Learn how Calibrae provides tools and workflows to simplify the assignment of instructors and related logistics. Also learn about the instructor tools
Teaching with two screens for a better online delivery
Learn how to use two screens to deliver great teaching webinars online - one to view your learners and the other to share your teaching materials
Virtual Classroom Improved Workflow
Find out more about the user experience in a Calibrae webinar room or virtual classroom.
How to troubleshot a poor quality video conference
Frustrated with the poor quality of your video call? Does video drop out? Is audio clipped? Click here to learn more about why this may be and how to fix issues.
Workshop Reminders
Learn how to send reminders for webinar workshops and tutorials on Calibrae. Reminders can be automated or triggered manually.